What Patients Should Know About the Stress Test Exercise

Diagnostic procedures are types of procedures being performed in order to rule out results that can help with the diagnosis of the patient. It’s a very important procedure that can significantly determine the course of the treatment to even rule out the prognosis of the patient. There are two types of diagnostic procedures and those are invasive and the non-invasive. Invasive will require consent since there is a risk in these types of procedure and non-invasive are the ones that has lesser risks.

Stress test or treadmill test or stress test exercise is a type of non-invasive diagnostic procedure that aims to rule out any irregularities of the heart. Basically the patients are advised to run in a treadmill with heart monitors wired into him or her. The purpose of the procedure is to put the heart in its paces from walking to running and by doing so will help the doctors know how the heart of that certain patient is performing. If you’re going into one, its imperative that you learn more about it by reading the information found below.

Preparing for the test: When you’re preparing for the test, it’s important to follow the doctor’s instructions. Normally they will order no oral ingestion other than water at least hours before the test. If you’re taking medications it’s important to tell your physician about it so that he can advise the best course of action whether you should take it or not. More importantly its ideal to wear light clothing and running shoes,  the same ones that you use when you go for a run or to the gym.

What ours are being monitored during the test: There are things that experts want to see on how you and your heart will perform, that is the reason why they want to put you to your paces and see where the problem is. Your body is resilient and it tries to be, that is the reason why it compensates on what it lacks and adjust to make the body fully functional. But the more that it’s not noticed that it will become worse over time and the stress test can rule that out as far as your heart is concerned. During the stress test, experts monitors:

  • Your heart rate
  • Your breathing pattern
  • Your breathing rate
  • Your blood pressure
  • Your electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)
  • How tired you feel

Are there risks involved? The fact is, there’s really minimal to no risks involved. People who are subjected for ECG or EKG are assessed if they can perform the test and aside from that the experts are there with you all the time to help you with any problems that can possibly arise.

ECG or EKG is a unique diagnostic procedure that is specific to test out the capabilities of the heart by putting it to its paces. Although the tests seem extensive it’s really not, it’s even non-invasive. But there are things that you should prepare for and at least ask everything about the test to your physician so that you will know what to expect during the whole duration. Your doctor will usually tell you everything about it but there might be things that they missed out or you got some questions that you need clarifications with. For more information, visit Cranbourne Medical Centre.

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